Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A "Blizzard" (Storm "Judy")

Okay. We had another snow storm today. Yes, that's right...it is winter after all. But this storm was forecast to be a blizzard of "historical" proportions, so much so that much of New England was closed down in preparation for a dangerous storm. My office was closed today, so I "worked" from home.

The Weather Channel gives names to winter storms. The name of this storm was Juno but since it is not an official name, I'm naming it "Judy" in honor of my late mother-in-law who was killed in a car accident five (5) years ago today.

Around 24-inches (2 feet) of snow had been forecast. This morning I awoke to find only about six (6) maximum. But it was hard to tell the actual amount because the wind was blowing. About 11 a.m. I noticed that the snow had stopped and things seemed calmer. Figured I had better get out and shovel before Round #2 began. This way there would be less snow to shovel later at the end.

View of my Escape in the parking lot before shoveling.

Note in the picture above how the snow plow had piled up snow in front of the cars. Got to shovel that plus in between cars as well as brushing off the snow on the car. As you can see from the picture below, some of the cars really got snowed in. Guess the wind blew much of the snow off my car.

Parking lot at the start of shoveling (view from my parking spot).

Several neighbors came out and the landlord showed up a bit later to plow more. So we were moving cars around so he could plow. So I ended up helping to shovel around several cars as well as tidying up around the back door.

Then I checked the front drive because it a somewhat sharp incline from the street. I have gotten stuck a couple times there as well as helped others who got stuck too.

Partially plowed snow at the apron at the street. Can you guess the width of the drive?

Shoveling the apron at the street took a long time because this snow was really heavy so I had to take small bladefulls. Fortunately, one of my neighbors came by when I was almost done and helped me finish it. Compare the picture above of the partially plowed drive with the picture of the finished product below.

The finished product, looking up from the street towards the parking lot. Sweet!

Being a diligent fire protection engineer, I went down the street a bit to dig out the nearest fire hydrant. An old guy (i.e., he was older than me) stopped by and insisted on helping by borrowing my little shovel to take a couple spadefulls while I brushed off the outlets with my gloves. Then he was on his way. A short time later, another guy came by and helped me clear around the hydrant.

Finished. Ready for business.

I did some more at the top of the driveway where there is a slight curve around the building. The plow had left a good amount at the edge of the building (and a young boy had not been able to resist knocking down a big snow boulder). When I walked back into the building around four (4) hours later, my feet felt a bit frozen. Although a bit tired, I felt satisfied with the visible results of my efforts.

After shoveling.

Why do I shovel? I find it very satisfying to see the results of my physical activity. I shovel more than I am obligated to but if not me, then who? The landlord only does a cursory job. He told me he has nine (9) properties to do. We were lucky so much was done today. As it was, the sidewalk and front walk had several inches even though it was snowblowed early this morning. I was too tired to do that. Will they take care of it later? Doubt it.

I enjoy meeting my neighbors and chatting with them while we shovel. This is the only opportunity to have a real conversation with most of them beyond a passing hello in the halls.

Observing how people react to clearing snow in our parking lot tells me a lot about how our society is today. Almost everyone does the minimum and some even less. The ones who are out, are primarily interested in clearing their own car and then they return inside. "All fled, everyone to his tent." [2 Sam 18:17 KJV]



Written Tuesday 27 January 2015

Sunday, January 25, 2015


It snowed this early this morning. When I went out around 12:30 p.m. I was surprised to find my car covered with a couple inches of wet snow (see picture below). Note in the picture the snow on the ground and then compare with the "finished" picture below.


All done, nice and clean.

Also shoveled the front driveway at the street, the sidewalk, and cleaned up the front walk to the lobby (for the post main). Much of it was just pushing slush to the side. However, I hoped that by getting the slush away, there would be less ice later and any ice would melt tomorrow.

I really know how to have fun!

Written Tuesday 27 January 2015.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Ring Out the Old, Ring in the New!

I received the letter below from Fr. Hattie on January 6, 2015 via email. Much of the letter is his response to my annual holiday/end of the year letter I include with my Christmas cards.

Letter from Fr. Hattie received via email January 6, 2015.

See my Fr. Hattie page for more information on how to communicate with Father and how to donate to help his orphans in Nsumba, Uganda.

Below is my transcription of the above letter. I have taken the liberty of inserting a bit of color in an effort to try to recapture the feel of the Aerogramme stationary that Father used to use for his letters from Uganda. I have also "corrected" any obvious typos and/or light keystrokes. Father literally types these letters on a manual typewriter before someone scans them to a JPEG file and transmits via email. Overall, I have tried to maintain fidelity to the text and the presumed meaning of the original correspondence.


My dear Rick:         Peace of Christ!

     Try as I might I simply couldn't find a more appropriate way to usher in the New Year than by writing to thank you for your kind & generous Gift of $XX.XX for my kids. Thanks much, too, for your beautiful Christmas Card & letter. Your kind Gift enabled the Sisters to prepare a delicious Christmas & New Year's Day meal for the kids: rice, curry, 2 vegetables, meat AND  ice cream, chocolate cake & a bottle of Coke, simple things that we just take for granted. But, it gives them something to look forward to each year. Indeed, their pleasures are few & simple!

     Believe me, I was so happy to learn of your new job after spending so many tedious hours on the road. And, it sounds as though it entails a lot of travel & responsibility. But, I know that you'll be a success at it. Good Luck!

     I was sorry to hear about your deteriorating relations with Richard, but I am sure that he will eventually appreciate your checking up on him simply because you love him and are interested in his future. When I read the list of your annual activities, I am amazed & wonder how you can do so much.

      Thank God about the colonoscopy. I had Colon Cancer about 15 years ago & have to wear a colonoscomy [Editor: colostomy] bag which, to put it mildly, is a pain in the butt...constantly emptying, cleaning & changing it. But, it is just a small part of my Cross. Tell Lynn that she is still a mere teenager...I'll be 93 in July.

     I spent Xmas with my sister in N. Canton & there was a crowd; she & her husband, myself, their 8 kids (their spouses & countless grand & great grandkids). There were 45 of us crammed into the house. But, the visit was marred by the fact that I learned that my sister has been having frightening hallucinations for the past 2 months & is is very difficult to get an appointment with 1 till February. Prayers, please.

     Then, while was there, 1 of her husband's brothers died of Cancer. Two days later, another (his favorite) died of a heart attack. Keep all three of them in your prayers, too.

    All of you are in my daily Mass & prayers & in those of my 6 African Sisters & my kids. Do have a Happy, prosperous N. Year.

Tons of love & gratitude,                                                   

Fr. Gene, S.J.                                                           




Written Sunday 31 May 2015.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Another Holiday "Hike"

A week ago, I took a long stroll on a balmy-like Christmas Day. Today the weather was almost equally sunny but a bit colder (I think the high temperature today was 34F at 3 p.m.). I wanted to take advantage of the sun and take another long walk. I had several choices, including guided hikes at six (6) different state parks. But I decided it was silly to drive 45 minutes or more to walk when I could stay home and walk.

Since there was no snow, I decided to explore the golf course up the street from me (not quite a mile). It's a full, 18-hole course. I took all the paths, to get the full tour. I had a Google map that showed what I thought were all the paths but they missed about a third (1/3).

On the fairway.

I'm not sure how far I walked (I need to get a pedometer) but I was gone for nearly three (3) hours. This time, I wasn't lolling.

View near the start of my hike,

Note the thin layer of ice (clue: the rocks are on top of the "water").

There were other people enjoying the golf course today: several people walking their dogs; a family with several children; a three-some (illegally) playing golf; a stray dog; and several other people meandering about.

The sky was fantastic: blue with wispy clouds. The sun was sunny. There was a bit of  a biting cold breeze. I was blown away by the amazing variety of trees.

The solitude was quite spiritual. Several times, I stopped and looked up at the sky and watched a cloud sail by or a distant plane spew its contrails behind it. Our world is so BIG and we are so small. I imagine that the Divine is so much more awesome than we can possible conceive.

Charlie Brown's Xmas tree?

The ducks found an open spot to swim.

This brook/creek bisects the course.

Not knotty pine trees but not bad either.

Here comes the moon.

From the street I couldn't tell why sledding was prohibited but close up
I could see the terraced tees. They would really mess up a sledder.


Written today 1 January 2015 (Thursday).

Here Comes Another One-Happy New Year!

When I got out of bed this morning, it was still dark. The picture below is what it looked like. Well....sort of. I touched it up to bring out the blues because the original was basically black (hey, the sun had not risen!). Are those birds or UFOs or what?

A new dawning year from my Dining Room window.

A little while later, the sun had come up and it was pretty bright. Below is the view I saw while sitting on my couch while doing my morning Bible reading (Hosea-Chapter 11)

View through my Living Room window.

Not quite the same as last year (2014). Still, made it through 2014 and am hopeful for good things in 2015.




Written today January 1, 2015!