Saturday, October 31, 2015

Day Light (at Cedar Hill)

Last night I attended the final tour of the season at Cedar Hill CemeteryHallowed History Lantern Tour. It was cold!

This afternoon, I returned to the cemetery in the day light. I wanted to walk and see parts of the cemetery that I hadn't encountered during the regular tours.

I parked my car near the flag pole, the usual starting point for tours. I proceeded to walk clockwise along the perimeter roads (see map below).

Map of Cedar Hill Cemetery

View from car at start. Looking west.
Flagpole is to the left (out of picture).

Unusual monument with red tree in background.

Fatima scene.

Divine figure.

One of the more unusual monuments was one that looked a pile of wood logs (see picture below). The medallion on the front reads: "Erected by the Woodmen of the World." The small caption is a Latin phrase, " Dum Tacet Clamat" which reportedly means "Though silent, he speaks." The Woodmen of the World are apparently still in existence, essentially as an insurance company. They were originally a fraternal organization (men only). One of the perks was a tombstone such as the one shown below (there are other shapes you can find on the Internet).

Pile of wood logs grave monument.

Closeup of medallion on the above log pile monument.
"Erected By The Woodmen of  the World"

Another marker had an interesting carving of St. Michael (the Archangel) slaying the dragon (i.e., the devil/satan/evil one, etc.).

St. Michael the Archangel killing the dragon (Satan).

Beautiful blue sky with bright orange leaves (ideal Fall day).

It turned out to be a great walk. The cemetery is much larger than I knew. There is plenty of room for more graves. A truly beautiful place. So many fascinating markers, historic people, and serene grounds. The eastern part slopes upward so that one can see miles in either direction. One could spend eternity exploring this place and its various citizens.

Written Saturday 28 November 2015

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