Friday, December 25, 2015

My Christmas Dinner

This is the story of my Christmas dinner. First I obtained the ingredients. I went to my local Stop & Shop for a few items and then went across the street to Boston Market for the main course and side items. I shopped on Christmas Eve in order to avoid trying to find food on Christmas Day. Even if anything is open on Christmas, I do not want to buy anything and encourage stores that there is enough demand to be open on a holiday.

My local Stop & Shop (Photo by David B. Newman)

My Boston Market (courtesy of Yelp).

From Boston Market, I got a large Turkey Breast dinner (for 1). The two sides I chose were sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes and gravy. I also got an extra side of creamed spinach. I also got some shoe peg corn from Stop & Shop.

Before dinner, I went for a long walk (probably 3-4 miles) to work up an appetite and hopefully burn off some calories.

In the beginning....

I cooked the corn first and then filled my dinner plate with the Boston Market items. I microwaved the dinner plate. Since the corn was already cooked, I added it to the cooked dinner plate and then sent it through another few seconds.

Thoroughly cook until well heated....

For Thanksgiving, I had a glass of wine with my meal. But this time, I decided to skip the alcohol this time and go with sparkling cider (Apple-Grape) - Sort of like champagne.

My beverage this time.

Boston Market also includes a small piece of corn bread. And so my meal is complete (see picture below). I have enough left over for a second plate (meal).

Dinner is served.

For dessert, I got a 1/2 of a pumpkin pie from Stop & Shop. At Thanksgiving, they didn't have Vanilla Frozen Yogurt but this time I was in luck. I could've gone with whipped cream but I thought the ice cream would be more versatile.

Dessert: pumpkin pie and ice cream.

After dinner, I went for another walk to try burn off some calories. Again, I walked for over an hour (probably not enough to offset the calorie intake from the meal).

A gift from my sister, Amy.

When I got back from my walk, it was essentially time for bed. But craving something sweet, I had one of the Berger Cookies my sister had sent from Baltimore. These cookies are delicious but I don't dare look at the nutritional information.

Written Saturday 26 December 2015

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