Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Downtown in Snow

Monday February 8th, 2016
Downtown Hartford, CT

Snow. It comes as part of Winter. It seems like nowadays snow can bring most everything to a halt. It wasn't always that way. When I was a kid, it seemed like school was never called off due to snow. Instead, we just kept going. When we got there, we got there and nobody batted an eye, because it was winter and snow can mess things up. If you were diligent, you allocated more time for travel and left earlier so that you arrived early and on time.

One of the benefits of today's technology is the ability to edit pictures, especially the pictures we shoot using cheap cell phone cameras. I really like the photo above because it reminds me of the kind of 1950s record album covers for jazz and classical. The City at night. 

"I'm so blue..." and so is my city. The shot above was taken right after I left the office and was trudging several blocks to my car. The frosty winter air is invigorating you know, especially after you've been in the artificial atmosphere of the indoor office most of the day. It snowed today and I took a couple of quick shots to try to capture the atmosphere of downtown Hartford at night in winter, calm and cool.

Main Street looking south (Gold Bldg at right)

Main Street looking North (Old State House to the right).

Central Row looking East at Phoenix (Boat) Bldg.
{This is a less processed edit than the one above.}

Old State House (East side).

Old State House looking West (777 Bldg behind).

Phoenix (Boat) Bldg at left; Plaza Bldg at right (with umbrella logo).

Travelers Tower.
(This reminds me of an old fashioned tinted post card).

Written Saturday 20 February 2016.

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