Saturday, July 2, 2016

Now Back Home (In Africa)

Letter from Fr Hattie dated June 11, 2016 received Friday July 1, 2016.

As can be seen from the letter above, Fr. Hattie made it safely back to Africa. Some of the logistics of the trip are described in an earlier post.

As usual, I have transcribed the letter below for those who find it difficult to decipher Father's typewriting. If you think I guessed incorrectly in any place, please let me know.

My Fr. Hattie page contains a list of Father's letters that I have received and transcribed. It also contains contact information for Fr. Hattie plus how to donate to support "his orphans" in Nsumba, Uganda.

June 11, 2016                        

My dear Rick:      Peace of Christ!

     Please believe me... I am not lying supine on the bottom of any sea, nor pierced on any mountains, neither am I buried under a Bucketful of African dirt... but I now [am] safely back HOME. We arrived late on the night of May 25 & were welcomed by 3 cars of Jesuits. I WAS NOW BACK HOME.  I was accompanied to Boston by 1 of our Nurses & handed over to the young African priest who was to convey me to Kenya. He is also a Jesuit whom I had known since he was a High School boy. And, he treated me like a little mother hen all the way. Africans are very caring people.

     Some years ago, an Englishwoman & her daughter decided to relocate to England & gave the Jesuits her huge property and two magnificent homes. Now many buildings have been added & it is a huge Retreat Center. {Just now 6}  Right now there are 6 Retreats going on, 1 of 30 days for both men & women.

     Our Community is a real League of Nations..Retirees are 2 Yanks & a Canadian, Indians, 2 Americans, Africans, 1 from Bolivia, a Jesuit Bishop from Ecuador & a sweetheart of an elderly Sister/Nurse from Brazil who spoils us rotten. The ONLY difficulty is that [it] is COLD year around & we have no heat in the house. We just have to keep bundled up. I was so looking forward to the warm months of June-Aug.  only to learn, to my dismay, that they are the coldest of the year. But, I asked for it. At least, we have hot water for showering, but it is like showering in a Fridge, if you know what I mean.

     As soon as I can hitch a ride, I'll grab it & go to Uganda to see the orphans. Then I can tell you more about them. While in Uganda, too, I want to search for my 'adopted son' from [whom] I have not heard for 8 months. I suspect foul play because we used to Skype twice a week, but I haven't heard a word from him for 8 months. He was fired from a Bank for having caused a loss of $500,000, but a good lawyer friend of mine got him free. Then for 2 years, 2 Bank officials have been hounding him to accuse a man (he doesn't even know) of the theft & he refused. Twice he was kidnapped, tortured & shown guns. We used Skype 2 times a week, but no word from him for 8 months. I suspect foul play & shall take the matter to the police.

     You'll be pleased to know that I just received an anonymous gift of $78,000 thru Chicago for the orphans. God is GREAT.

     Please give my regards & love to your dear Mom when you talk to her. All of your Clan has a special remembrance in my daily Mass & prayers & in those of the Sisters & orphans. In the meantime, keep smiling & spreading His & Her love, peace & joy in every corner of W. Hartford.

Tons^100 of love & gratitude,                                        

Fr. Gene, SJ                                                
Written Easter Sunday 21 April 2019

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