Sunday, December 2, 2018

Christmas Creche at Knights

This year, my son Richard and I made our annual visit on Saturday December 1st to see the Christmas Creche exhibit at the Knights of Columbus Museum. Our timing was good because this was also the Christmas Tree Festival Opening Celebration. There were carolers (singers), refreshments, and St. Nick! And everything was FREE!

Richard with St. Nick (Jess).
Bad picture is my fault (Shot into the light).

This year's theme  is "Christmas in Poland."

Exhibit brochure description.

We started with the Christmas Tree exhibit because it is on the Main Level. Although the trees are decorated by elementary school age children, it is always fascinating and delightful to see the creativity and skill that goes into the ornaments. I'm glad that we didn't have to select the winner; we enjoyed all of them.

Because the WWI Exhibit is still in place (extended until April 14, 2019), the Christmas exhibit is upstairs.

This is what you see at the start of the exhibit.

There is a lot to see. We basically went through it twice: once to get a quick lay of the land; and a second time to take a closer look at favorites.

Turning around from the map of Poland, you encounter this hut.

Another large exhibit were these castle-like structures.

Detail of one of the castles-showing Baby Jesus.


My favorite are the carvings:

Joseph doesn't look very happy, does he?
The guy at the top is the "Big Guy Upstairs."

The exhibit also included some typical creches:

The Krakow Dragon (green figure at right).

Cut Paper Art
WARNING: Do not place burning candles on a live (cut) Xmas Tree!

Of course, since the exhibit centered on Poland, there had to be mention of the Pope John Paul II (from Poland).

Painting of Pope John Paul II praying in front of
painting of Our Lady of Czestochowa

All in all, once again, a very wonderful and interesting time. Looking forward to next year!

Written Wednesday 19 December 2018.

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