Thursday, December 17, 2020

First Snow of the Season


View from my window this morning about 10 a.m.

This time the weather forecasters can be credited with a win (not like a week or so ago when the storm missed us and all we got was a bit of slush that melted by afternoon). It snowed overnight and into this morning. Looks like we got about the 12-inches or so that were forecast.

View from my window this afternoon, about 2 p.m.

Thankfully, many of us are working remote (from home) and don't have to travel. So no rush to go outside and shovel out the car. Instead, I can enjoy staying inside, in the warmth, and continue working (but enjoying the view). As you can see from the above pictures, our maintenance staff worked hard to get the sidewalks cleared.

Written Sunday 20 December 2020.

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