Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Another Complete

Last night I finished Endless Summers the Cleveland Indians book I received at Christmas from my son, Richard. I really enjoyed it! See my previous post for details.

One aspect that really grabbed me about this book was the impact of stupid business management had on the success of the team.  Many of these errors were due to lack of long term vision and commitment. By cutting expenses, the product was not permitted to grow and mature into a winning product.

I think that good management is so important. If you have a garden, you need to care for it by giving it good well nourished soil, water, and keeping out (bad influences like) weeds. If someone just plants and then doesn't nourish, the results are usually not very impressive. And if one just throws the seed over the ground and doesn't do anything, then there probably isn't going to be much of a harvest.

When the Indians had good "caretakers" they did well.

Baby boomers who are long time Indians fans will enjoy seeing the names of all those great Indian players.

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