Sunday, January 9, 2011


In an earlier post, I mentioned my reading projects. Since then, I completed my reading of Arthur Miller's play, The Crucible and my first run through of the Book of Revelation in the Bible. I still have about 80 pages to go on the Third Reich history book.

While I am waiting for our Men's Bible Study group to begin our study of the Revelation, I am reading various articles (e.g., from New Jerome Bible Commentary, God's Word Today issues, Dictionary of the Bible [McKenzie], and a fine booklet from the Knights of Columbus: Revelation: A Divine Message of Hope).

I also have a little book (lent by a friend) that I have read snippets of: Breaking the Code-Understanding the Book of Revelation (by Bruce M. Metzger) that I want to go back to.

I also found a very interestering translation with lots of notes about the Greek (which I don't know) from

And I am continuing reading about the Cleveland Indians in the book I received at Christmas from Richard:

(my copy is not the "Updated Edition!").

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