Sunday, January 2, 2011

Return to Reality

Vacation is coming to an end. (Actually, Monday is our New Year's Day Holiday). I have one more day to get all the things done I had hoped to do over the holidays. Oh well. At least I started this blog.

Today was a good day. Spent most of the day with my son, Richard. He had a roller hockey game this morning. His team won 4-2.  I enjoyed talking with his mom, my ex-wife Lynn, while watching the game.

We had lunch at Boston Market. Gift card from my mom came in handy.  We are lucky because we have a clean BM.  They use real plates and flatware (instead of paper and plastic). We get the special where you get half a sandwhich and a salad.  I think they have the best salads for the $. Richard had a meatloaf sandwhich and I had turkey.

We stopped at the pet store to look at replacing the gekko that died.  Then we browsed around Home Depot and picked up a set of safety glasses for Richard so he can use the tool set he got from "Santa." Then we ended up browsing around Barnes & Noble and had a cookie as our desert (I had oatmeal raisin and Richard had a sugar cookie).  We even got in a couple short walks. On our back to Lynn's place, we saw a rainbow and drove toward it trying to find where it met the ground (and the pot o' gold).

I wish that I lived closer to him so we could spend more time together.

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