Saturday, March 12, 2011

King Solomon's Mines

This is a GREAT movie! Gorgeous color, shot on location in Africa, riveting story, adventure, lots of natives, animals, scenery, etc. It's based on a book - so I'll have to put that on my list (after Treasure Island).

I got this at my public library (as usual). I dropped off the Muppet movie and was looking for something to watch on the weekend. The library was ready to close so I ended up grabbing this one. Turned out to be a good choice.

When I got home, I put it on intending to watch it over a few days but I got hooked and ended up watching the entire thing. I may watch again before returning it.

I think this might be an interesting choice to play during February's Black History month. The natives are portrayed very positively although the colonialism and white man's burden aspects are obviously present (but that was the history).

I highly recommend this movie. If you watch it, I hope that you will let me know what you think.

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