Sunday, April 10, 2011

Gamelan Orchestra & Wayang Kulit

This past Saturday (April 9th), my son, Richard, and I attended a very unusual musical performance as part of the Music for Youth free concerts. They are held monthly during the school year, recommended for ages 5-17, and about 50 minutes in length. We started attending these when Richard was in preschool or so. Now, we usually attend 2-3 a year when there isn't a conflict with Richard's hockey schedule.

 The concert was held in Trinity Church. We sat in the balcony right at the orchestra. A gamelan is aspecific grouping of musical instruments used to play a style of traditional Indonesian music. The Wayang Kulit portion is a JAVAnese shadow puppet play. We saw "The Flower Battle," the story of Arjuno who overcomes a fanged demon, Cakil.
The music was VERY different: it reminded me of possessed wind chimes.

 At the end of the show, they have a drawing for a door prize...and Richard was one of the winners! He is wearing orange in the picture above. So we went home with a CD of gamelan music.

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