Sunday, April 24, 2011

Holy Saturday

As you may know, my Saturdays are usually quite packed. Typically, I drive to the Hartford area to watch Richard's roller hockey game, stop at the bank, pick up Richard and get some lunch. Not unusual to go to some event or go exploring or watch a game on TV.  This Saturday kept up that pattern.

Richard's roller hockey team finally won after suffering a few losses. Richard has been getting better with his skating: picking up speed and getting more aggressive.

Richard has been in heaven this past week because during his spring break, he has been able to watch major leagure baseball AND the NHL Stanley Cup playoffs. Yesterday was a perfect day to be inside because it was gray and misty and rather cool.

We walked up/down the street a couple blocks to a local Chinese restaurant, "Black Bamboo".  The owner, Sonny, is a young guy who is friendly; the food is tasty and moderately priced.  Richard likes the brocoli & shrimp. I had sweet & sour pork (with pork fried rice) in honor of Easter weekend.

We brought the food back to Lynn's apartment and ate while watching the Clevo Indians get pounded by the Minnosota Twins 10-3. It was so bad, that we switched the channel to watch hocky. We saw the NY Rangers lose the game 3-1 and the series to the Washington Capitals (Richard was rooting for the Caps for now). Then we saw the Tampa Bay Lightning wipe the Penguins 8-2.

We took a break from the tube, and drove to the local Stop & Shop in West Hartford. We got some Boars Head ham, white American cheese, and bread so that Richard could have a ham & cheese sandwich tomorrow (Easter).

When you're at Lynn's place, there are usually several kitties who love to keep you company. During the game, Richard realized that "Double" was not around. We searched everywhere but to no avail. So I went outside and walked around the building calling out for "Double." Fortunately, Richard found him inside. He had accidently got shut in a closet.

And there is "Spot." He tends to be on the nervous side and often jumps at the slightest noise. He's always been that way. But since being neutered, he is a lot calmer. He is mostly white but has some black spots.

Easter weekend can be a challenge for me (see separate post) but it is always good to spend time with family, especially my son.

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