Sunday, April 24, 2011

Lord of the Flies


Richard's 10th grade English class is going to start reading/studying the famous novel, Lord of the Flies by William Golding (see book cover above at left). In order to support that study, I have been doing some research and collecting materials (articles); I found the DVD for the 1963 movie version at the library (movie poster is above in center; DVD cover is above at right) and watched it; Richard and I watched part of it last Saturday and finished it yesterday.

Although Richard is not particularly looking forward to HAVING to read the book and analyze it, there are parts of the movie that definitely got his attention. He is starting to memorize the hunting chant as well as humming the "kyrie eleison" (Lord have mercy) hymn that is the theme of Jack's choristers.

I don't remember having to read FLIES in school. I think my first exposure to the book was seeing the 1963 movie at a friend's house during college. I think that prompted me to read the book. When a new movie version came out in 1990, I remember going to see it. Later, I purchased the Cliff notes, intending to do a more serious study later (but never did). I'll have to dig out it and my paperback copy to reread. Meanwhile, I am reading several articles and a book that is a collection of critical essays.

If you have some thoughts about Lord of the Flies, please share them with me via a comment or send an email or ....

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