Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Fr Hattie Email Letter

The above letter arrived today via email. Fr. Hattie's last letter arrived in the mail and was printed on a half sheet of paper with text on the opposite side about the terrorist attack on the mall in Nairobi, Kenya in September. Since Father lived in Nairobi for a while (after Uganda) I emailed him about it.

As you can see from the picture of the letter, Father still types his letters and then has them scanned as a jpeg file.  I did a bit of basic tweaking to improve the readability of the file-I think I did a pretty good job so I am not going to transcribe the text in this post. If you want a larger image, click on the picture above (you can also right click to save a copy to your computer). Call me if you need help doing this.

As you will notice as you read Father's letter, a bit of ingenuity is required in order to decipher some of the typos. But you should be able to figure it out based on context.


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