Saturday, March 22, 2014

Sound Tigers - Lose (again)


The Sound Tigers were in town again so, of course, we wanted to attend the game.

Lynn said she could get free tickets from her connection at the XL Center. And so it was arranged....

I picked up Lynn and Richard and we arrived on time, early enough to watch warm-ups. However.... No tickets were waiting for us at the "Will Call" booth. Several phone calls attempting to reach her friend were to no avail either. Since we were already there, guess who paid for the tickets? Me! -another "happy birthday."

Being the "big spender," I bought the cheapest seats available (including a AAA discount). Fortunately, there was almost no one attending the game (i.e., official attendance was 1779) and so cheap seats were actually available this time. Although our tickets were for the end section, we were able to "move" to better seats since there were so few people at the game. We sat across from the benches (i.e., above the penalty boxes, announcers, etc.) about mid-way up (which normally sell for $30 each).

Despite the confusion when we arrived, we were still able to catch the last few minutes of the warm-up. Richard even snagged an official AHL game puck!

Coincidentally, we bumped into one of Richard's former classmates from high school. He was there with his dad and a guy from Pittsburgh. We enjoyed chatting with them before the game started.

The Tigers scored first on a controversial play because the puck went in off the skate of one of the Tigers. The rules don't allow a goal if the puck is kicked in. We could see the officials in the booth below us reviewing the play. Finally, they ruled it a goal. Hooray! Too bad the Tigers couldn't hold the lead and ended up losing 4-1.

Although we were disappointed that the Tigers lost, we got a few coupons for "free" burgers from Mooyah (but you have to buy other stuff to get the burger for free). All in all, it turned out to be an enjoyable time.


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