Sunday, March 16, 2014

St. Patrick's Day Parade

Can you spot St. Patrick in this photo?

Yesterday, Richard and I took a drive down to our old stomping ground in Milford to watch their annual St. Patrick's Day Parade. I'm rather fond of this parade because it is a nice, little home town-ish parade that is not too long (~90 minutes) and just enough to make it interesting. I've posted about this parade before.

Of course, there are some politicians marching (and some dogs), as well as marching bands, Irish dancers, bagpipes, floats, fire trucks, scouts of all sorts, and various community groups.

Richard was quite pleased because there were lots of groups tossing candy and he got quite a decent hall for being as old as he is.

Parkland Deli at the right.
In the past, we had lunch after the parade but this year our timing was good (I guess). We ate when we arrived (~1 pm) and didn't miss a thing. We again stopped at the Parklane Deli to eat. Richard had his favorite, ham and mayo on a hard roll. I had a corned beef Reuben. When we finished, we crossed the street and watched the parade.


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