Friday, January 1, 2016

Here Comes 2016!

View from my window at ~8 a.m. on the first day of 2016.

Well, 2015 is history and now past. Good. While there were many good things and blessings, it did not turn out as well as I had hoped.

Last New Year's I was rather optimistic about the prospects for 2015. I think that's the way you're supposed to be. My optimism then was somewhat fueled by a brisk sunny day.

View from my Living Room.
Since this year started out cold, cloudy, and gray, I'm not sure what to expect. Perhaps it means that life will be opposite of today's weather and therefore turn out to be warm, sunny, and full of love. (Being perennially hopeful is apparently one of my strong weak points). Well, time will tell.

I did get out later this afternoon for a walk (~90 minutes) and chatted with my mom during the stroll. There was a weather advisory for possible flurries and/or rain but I only saw some stray flurries. The walk in the cold temperature was invigorating.

Written Saturday 2 January 2016

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