Sunday, August 11, 2019

Heavenly Elephant Gals

I wasn't sure if I would ever hear from Fr. Hattie again after his last letter. But on August 3, 2019 I received an email with this letter (see below). The date, "Aug 3" in the upper right corner, is almost entirely cut-off (but in the original jpg the bottom of the letters are more discernible).

Fr. Hattie letter dated August 3, 2019 (see upper right)
received via email.


Once again, I am sharing a letter received from Fr. Gene Hattie, S.J. Below is my transcription of the letter shown above. According to my custom, I have tinted it a sort of aqua in memory of  the Aerograms that Father used to send.

My Fr. Hattie page contains a list of Father Hattie's letters that I have received and transcribed for this blog. It also contains contact information for Fr. Hattie as well as instructions for how to donate to help support his orphans in Nsumba, Uganda (Africa).

Aug 3, 2019     
My dear Rick:          Peace of Christ:

     Surprise! Many & sincere thanks for your beautiful Birthday [card] & message, appreciated more than you know. And, it arrived 'cheaply' & in good time. Another friend in the USA sent one by PRIORITY Mail at a cost of $65 and arrived in only 23 days. See how lucky you were.

     I'm looking forward to next month when 1 of my nieces & her daughter are coming to visit me. She is a lot of fun. Both are 'worshipers' of  elephants & we have plenty of them here. She has a room full of elephant statues, pictures and chairs. Near our house is where one feed giraffes with bread in your hand; an animal hospital and orphanage & camel rides. The two gals will be in heaven.
They can also see the calfs born with 7 legs...and me.

     GOOD NEWS! Most of our many governors and many government VIPs are being tried in courts for corruption in the millions/billions, but not 1 is in prison. I just wonder what would happen if ALL were imprisoned at once.

     Last week I went for a picnic with 100+ little kids & I had a ball. One small one on my lap kept pushing up my sleeve. When I asked him what he was doing, he was embarrassed & asked, 'Are you white all over or just the part we can see?'  

     My sight is rapidly going as you can see ' 'with my 2 index fingers & my 1 eye closed & they are warning me to finish. So, finish I will. Be sure that all the Pfisters [?] are in my daily Mass & prayers. Please remember them in yours. I'm 97.

Tons of love & gratitude,           
Fr. Gene, SJ                     

P.S. Thanks, too, for the Fathers Day card.

Written Sunday 11 August 2019
By Paul Mannix - Elephant,  Amboseli National Park, Kenya,

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