Saturday, April 18, 2020

Impressive Clouds

Looking South on the Fastrak.

So often we are captivated by blue sky, sunshine, and soft fuzzy (or misty) white clouds. But today I was equally impressed with gray. almost October-like clouds. It was such an ugly weather day that it was a peaceful walk. No one was around but the birds were really chirping up a storm.

I wish I could've recorded the song. I stopped each time and listened and occasionally joined in. I didn't have binoculars so I had to really look keenly and carefully in order to spot the singers.

Weather and the world around me today heighten my awareness of the Creator. The complexity,  variety and dynamics overwhelm my senses with the wonder of it all. As a result I shake my head sadly at the institutional religious who think they know everything (there is we can know) about God. It is so BIG and I (we) am so small and temporal. "All is vanity."

Looking North.

Walking along the Fastrak path is neat because there is a bit of everything: woods, birds, factories, commercial buildings, the buses, people, bikes, and nearby is the train tracks with an occasional train. The other day I had to wait for a skunk to waddle off the path (at least I thought it was a smart thing to wait).

Written Monday 25 May 2020.

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