Saturday, March 12, 2011

Celebrate St. Patrick!

Richard's roller hockey team won their game today (11-10) despite not having a goalie.

After the game, Richard and I drove back to Milford for their annual St. Patrick's Day Parade. I have always enjoyed this parade because it is a simple small town celebration. Of course, they have the usual fife and drum units, bagpipes, marching bands, etc. And they throw candy (which Richard still likes). He put on the green beads and green wrist band left over from last year (which I still had in my car) and got a few more beads.

The focal point of the Green was the gigantic American flag hanging from the fire department tower truck (see above). We watched most of the parade while standing across from it. The flag got wrapped around the ladder a couple of times but a brave fire fighter climbed up to free the flag and let it wave again.

Toward the end of the parade, we bopped into a favorite deli across the street for lunch. Richard got his usual ham, american cheese, with a little mayo on a roll. Chips and soda too, of course. I got one of the St. Patrick's Day specials: corned beef reuben on rye. DELICIOUS! It might have been the best corned beef I ever had: very lean, juicy, and tender. It melted in your mouth. Richard agreed and ate several bites (despite his aversion to melted cheese). I wish I would have gotten one to take home for latter. They also had a corned beef and cabage platter that looked delicious too.

Senator Dick Blumenthal, D-CT
While we were waiting for our food in the deli, we ran across our newly elected senator, Dick Blumenthal. I went over and said hi and shook his hand. He is a very slim person and I was surprised at how frail he felt. I hope Washington DC will not corrupt him (even more).

While on the Green, we also visited Wanda's Sugar Shack. We have been visiting this store since Richard was a toddler. Wanda sells small candies for a nickels, dimes, quarters, etc. She also has some homemade chocolates. I spent a $ on white chocolate with craisens. Richard spent his $ on a bag full of candy.

While in Milford, we went to a couple of used book stores (they are becoming rare). Richard found a couple of books about one of his favorite NHL teams, the NY Islanders. We also got a Spark Notes book on Macbeth (which he is going to read later this year for school). Richard also found a Chicken Soup for the.... book for Lynn that she doesn't have. (We are still looking for Chicken Soup for the Gardener).

King Solomon's Mines

This is a GREAT movie! Gorgeous color, shot on location in Africa, riveting story, adventure, lots of natives, animals, scenery, etc. It's based on a book - so I'll have to put that on my list (after Treasure Island).

I got this at my public library (as usual). I dropped off the Muppet movie and was looking for something to watch on the weekend. The library was ready to close so I ended up grabbing this one. Turned out to be a good choice.

When I got home, I put it on intending to watch it over a few days but I got hooked and ended up watching the entire thing. I may watch again before returning it.

I think this might be an interesting choice to play during February's Black History month. The natives are portrayed very positively although the colonialism and white man's burden aspects are obviously present (but that was the history).

I highly recommend this movie. If you watch it, I hope that you will let me know what you think.

Muppet Treasure Island

As you may recall from previous posts (1934 Movie and 1950 Movie), I am sort of in a Treasure Island mode. During a search at my local library, I discovered that the video tape version of a Muppet Treasure Island had disappeared. The library graciously purchased a DVD version without my even having to request; and they put it on hold for me.

Unfortunately, the movie is terrible! Tim Curry plays the Long John Silver role in a very campy style. Some unknown boy who sings like a girl plays the Jim Hawkins role. This version plays down the relationship between the two, in fact there is quite a distance between them. This sort of blows the whole story. Usually the Muppets spoof the movies but this was not that funny, the songs not that good, and the story was warped.

If you're thinking this version might be a good way to introduce the book to a child, I think it will be counterproductive.