Saturday, March 29, 2014

Death & Destruction >> Annunciation

Painting by Macha Chmakoff 

This was a very strange day.

It began with death and by the end there was a herald of destruction.


This morning I needed to stop at the ATM to get cash since I was heading into the office and my wallet was empty. Unfortunately, the ATM is not exactly on my route to work. I mulled over my route options and reluctantly took one. As I pulled out of the bank, I heard sirens and saw the fire chief's SUV pass by in the direction I had almost gone.

Photo by Kent Pierce

When I got to the office, I checked the news and discovered that a car had been hit by a school bus (!) at the intersection near my alternate ATM location. And it had happened about the time I was heading towards the ATM. That was were the fire chief was apparently heading. Sadly, the woman driver of the car had been killed. It sort of shook me up that I had almost been at that intersection when the crash occurred. The accident happened at a spot I pass through frequently in traveling to/from the grocery store (the ATM is across the street).

Even more bizarrely, the accident was disturbingly similar to the accident that killed my mother-in-law two years ago. Both women, both were hit broadside at the driver's door by larger vehicles, both were killed almost instantly, both worked at private schools, both accidents happened close to their home, and both women apparently contributed to their own demise. The police are speculating that the woman may have been blinded by the morning sun and may not have seen the traffic light was red.

It got to me because I might have been there had I selected the other ATM. Kinda too close to home.


Work was depressing today. I went in specifically to meet with a project manager to plan for getting a major new project underway. Chaos and distractions...disappointed and frustrated.

And to top off my day, when I got home I learned that a Massachusetts judge awarded permanent custody of  Justina Pelletier to the State Department of Children and Families (DCF) instead of returning her to her family in Connecticut. This sends a message that the state can take away anyone's child provided that they give a medical reason (i.e., parents are losing their rights). This is very ominous to me for the future of the family unit in the United States. The family is being destroyed.

This situation started when the doctors and psychologists at Boston Children's hospital came to a different diagnosis (Somatic Symptom Disorder) than the diagnosis she had previously received from Tufts University School of Medicine Hospital doctors (mitochondrial disease). BCH requested that the commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Children and Families protect and remove the patient from her parent's custody and the girl was made a ward of the state of Massachusetts. Subsequently, Justina Pelletier was held in a locked psychiatric ward, Bader 5, from February 14, 2013 until January 2014 when she was transferred to Wayside Youth and Family Support Network, a residential treatment center.

Even though this family is reportedly Catholic, the church has (as usual) been silent. Instead, conservative, traditional protestants have stepped up to support the Pelletiers in their struggle.


I didn't realize it until later that this day was the Feast of the Annunciation. I'm not sure if that is significant but considering today's events it seemed like it was an odd coincidence at least. The painting above is by Macha Chmakoff.

Annunciation. A story in the Gospel according to Luke. God announces to Mary that she will be the mother of a holy child who will be called the Son of God.  A few things stand out to me.

1. This was a threat to the life of Mary. As a betrothed woman, becoming pregnant before the final marriage was consummated was evidence of adultery. The penalty for proven adultery was DEATH by stoning.

The angel told Mary, "Do not be afraid (fear not) for you have found favor with God...The Lord is with you."
Wow! A reasonable response would be 'you've got to be kidding.'

2. The angel told Mary, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. With God nothing is impossible." (i.e., God is in charge. Providence will rule).

3. Mary responded, "Let it be with me according to your word." She accepted what God had put into her life.

The Beatles song, Let It Be, echoes these words and this situation (see below). Paul McCartney wrote it after a dream about his mother (whose name was Mary). Although he does not explain the song as religiously inspired, knowing the story of the Annunciation it is difficult not to see a connection.

"When I find myself in times of trouble
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be

And in my hour of darkness
She is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be

Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom
Let it be"

This was something of a dark day for me (although not overtly so) but there seems to be a message here: Let it be-God is in charge. Fear not!



Written Sunday 4 May 2014 (revised Th5/8/14 - added to Annunciation)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Who is like Yahweh?

1 Quarter 2014 issue.

For the past several years I have been reading/studying the Bible each morning. I have been using "Encounter with God" published by Scripture Union. The short reason why this magazine is that it appeared in my life. It obviously has a Protestant Christian view. That can be a challenge for me at times. At other times, I just ignore any blathering about Jesus.

The problem that I have encountered with these guides are that they zip through books and sometimes skip over passages that don't fit in their propaganda. I got sidetracked with this current issue while reading the first part of 1Samuel. So I got off track by reading the parts they skipped.

I just finished the book of Micah. The magazine had scheduled it for 6 days but I that was too quick for me to really digest it. So I took 2.5 weeks instead. Needless to say (but I will), I really got into it.

My bible is similar to this.
I use my (Roman Catholic) New American Bible, St. Joseph Edition, Large Type. I've had it for years and put tabs for easy use (it really helps). I also have used the Collegeville Bible Commentary Series booklets for years. The one for Micah (OT15) was pretty good but they forgot to check some of the verse references (which either were wrong or the relationship was overly obscure).

A few years ago, I started using the Jewish Study Bible as a supplement to the Catholic and Christian references. It is a fairly modern and liberal approach, with a lot of emphasis on the historic. It is a good introduction to the Jewish perspective.

My first bible study magazine was "God's Word Today." Unfortunately, it is no longer published. I used an early issue as well as one from several years later (that tried to do The Book of the Twelve aka The Minor Prophets in only one month...-almost a sin).

Another reference I like to consult is "The New Jerome Biblical Commentary." This is a moderate Roman Catholic scholarly book. It is rather pedantic and dry and has me reaching for the dictionary for words that are likely archaic for our pop culture time. {I actually am very fond of this hard cover book because my son, Richard, found it for me on a library sale table for a QUARTER (that is 25 cents)! What a bargain!!}

I like reading the Prophets. I think they are timely. At the time of 9-11, I was in a bible study that was reading the Early Minor Prophets (including Micah). It was so relevant...and still is.

I am posting this entry about Micah because I really got a lot out of a close reading of it and would like to encourage others to read it. I also would like to encourage others to read the Bible by using multiple aids so as to get a more rounded and rich presentation. We should savor the "Word of God" and not feel compelled to rush through it in some sort of race.


Saturday, March 22, 2014

Sound Tigers - Lose (again)


The Sound Tigers were in town again so, of course, we wanted to attend the game.

Lynn said she could get free tickets from her connection at the XL Center. And so it was arranged....

I picked up Lynn and Richard and we arrived on time, early enough to watch warm-ups. However.... No tickets were waiting for us at the "Will Call" booth. Several phone calls attempting to reach her friend were to no avail either. Since we were already there, guess who paid for the tickets? Me! -another "happy birthday."

Being the "big spender," I bought the cheapest seats available (including a AAA discount). Fortunately, there was almost no one attending the game (i.e., official attendance was 1779) and so cheap seats were actually available this time. Although our tickets were for the end section, we were able to "move" to better seats since there were so few people at the game. We sat across from the benches (i.e., above the penalty boxes, announcers, etc.) about mid-way up (which normally sell for $30 each).

Despite the confusion when we arrived, we were still able to catch the last few minutes of the warm-up. Richard even snagged an official AHL game puck!

Coincidentally, we bumped into one of Richard's former classmates from high school. He was there with his dad and a guy from Pittsburgh. We enjoyed chatting with them before the game started.

The Tigers scored first on a controversial play because the puck went in off the skate of one of the Tigers. The rules don't allow a goal if the puck is kicked in. We could see the officials in the booth below us reviewing the play. Finally, they ruled it a goal. Hooray! Too bad the Tigers couldn't hold the lead and ended up losing 4-1.

Although we were disappointed that the Tigers lost, we got a few coupons for "free" burgers from Mooyah (but you have to buy other stuff to get the burger for free). All in all, it turned out to be an enjoyable time.


Sunday, March 16, 2014

St. Patrick's Day Parade

Can you spot St. Patrick in this photo?

Yesterday, Richard and I took a drive down to our old stomping ground in Milford to watch their annual St. Patrick's Day Parade. I'm rather fond of this parade because it is a nice, little home town-ish parade that is not too long (~90 minutes) and just enough to make it interesting. I've posted about this parade before.

Of course, there are some politicians marching (and some dogs), as well as marching bands, Irish dancers, bagpipes, floats, fire trucks, scouts of all sorts, and various community groups.

Richard was quite pleased because there were lots of groups tossing candy and he got quite a decent hall for being as old as he is.

Parkland Deli at the right.
In the past, we had lunch after the parade but this year our timing was good (I guess). We ate when we arrived (~1 pm) and didn't miss a thing. We again stopped at the Parklane Deli to eat. Richard had his favorite, ham and mayo on a hard roll. I had a corned beef Reuben. When we finished, we crossed the street and watched the parade.



Cover of the audio book version I am listening to.

I am currently listening to the unabridged version of Moby-Dick by Herman Melville.  As you can see from the picture above, it's 19 discs long. As each disc is over an hour (but broken into audio chapters), the total listening time is nearly 25 hours! I am currently about half way through (i.e., at disc #10).

I have never read the book. The library listing says it is for 6th grade and up. However, I'm inclined to say it is more towards the "up" category. The writing is very lyrical and sophisticated with frequent allusions and references to the classic and various cultural minutia that most kids, let alone adults, will be clueless about.

The reader of this version, William Hootkins, does an excellent job. It is so good, that sometimes, I am content to merely listen to the sound of his performance rather than paying attention to trying to understand the meaning of the words. It's almost musical.

In a review for the School Library Journal, Anita Lawson of Otsego High School (Michigan) says:
Herman Melville's classic about one man's obsession with the white whale is filled with philosophy, marine biology, history, adventure, and even humor. William Hootkins' voice is superb for the telling of this great sea story, maintaining the attention of listeners even through some of the less adventurous parts. His intonations convey Ishmael's and Captain Ahab's thoughts in a way that helps listeners understand them and their times. Ishmael becomes an actual person and the Captain's madness is real. The individual personalities of each crew member is apparent. Through Hootkins' telling, the history of whaling becomes intriguing. Students who would normally shy away from this classic will find this format enjoyable. Listeners will gain a new appreciation for and understanding of the novel and Melville's times

Why I am listening to this? Because I heard an interview on the radio recently that referenced a short story by Melville. My curiosity triggered me to find out more about Herman Melville. I discovered he spent a lot of his life in New York. His former home in Pittsfield, MA is now a museum. I think this will be a Saturday trip sometime later this year (when it is warmer).


Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Illusion

Cover of play program.

Last night Lynn and I attended the closing performance of a play our son, Richard, has been working on for school the past few weeks.  The play was The Illusion. It was written by an American playright, Tony Kushner, adapted from Pierre Corneille's 17th Century comedy, Illusion Comique.

 I thought it was pretty good and so did Lynn. I liked that it had a bit of humor as well as an intermission (unlike the previous play Richard was involved with). It was a full-house.

Richard is credited in the program as Lightboard Operator but he was also involved with hanging/placing (etc) the lights and assisting with programming the board. They usually have a week of setup (i.e., Tech Week) and then a few days of dress rehearsals, followed by a week of performances, then they strike the set. 


Greetings from Japan

Yesterday I came home to find a large yellowish padded envelope from Japan (for me!). Hooray! It was from my pen pal, Satoko. We go back a long time (at least 25 years). I feel very blessed to have such a good friend, especially someone who has loyally kept in touch for so many years despite the many miles that separate us.

For the past several years, Satoko has sent me a box of chocolates for my birthday. Chocolates (sweets) are one of my weaknesses. So it is often difficult for me to make the gift last beyond a day.

Notice the postmark (at the left). I believe that is a crane (bird), but I could be wrong (and I often am). The Japanese regard the crane as a symbol of good fortune and longevity; it also represents fidelity.

I was very happy and relieved to receive the package because I was worried about Satoko since I had not heard from her in a while. She lives in the Tokyo area and I was concerned that she and her family may have suffered ill effects from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant disaster. So the arrival of the package is a good sign.

And the package did contain chocolate!

Note the attractive fancy wrapping.

I had to tilt the camera to minimize the reflection but look closely....

I wonder what kinds are under this cover?

And here they are! Look quick because they will soon be gone

And they came with a beautiful card:

Satoko sends me the most beautiful cards...

A most wonderful present!

Yumm... All gone. They were delicious!!!


Revised Sunday 3/16/2014 to add the empty box.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Perils of Ssali

Letter received via e-mail from Fr. Hattie on Ash Wednesday (March 5, 2014).

Above is a letter I received recently from Fr. Hattie. I took the liberty of using some software to sharpen the image and to give it a bluish-green tint in order to hearken back to the airmail letters that he used to send from Africa.

Below is my transcription of the letter. If you'd like to write to Fr. Hattie, he can be reached at:

See the "Fr. Hattie Page" for more contact info, including where to send donations.

Dear Rick:         Peace of Christ!

Here it is Ash Wednesday & Lent is already on us. So, before we get far into this Holy Season, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your latest Gift of $xx.xx, appreciated so much more because it was the only Gift that came in for the 2nd half of February. I am hoping & praying that, after the Tax Date is over, friends will open their purses...

I had told you that 1 of my old 'street kids' that I picked up many years ago when he was just 5 and without a single relative...& had tried to jump in front of a truck several times...was accused of causing financial loss to the Bank where he was manager. His Case lingered on for 2-1/2 years with no end in sight. Well, on Feb. 28 the case was dropped with no conditions. The bank was furious because they'll have to begin all over again to catch the thief.

Anyhow, last Sat. nite, 3 men forced entry into his house, blindfolded him & knocked him out with a blow on the head with a gun. They dropped him in the middle of a thick forest many miles away. He woke up at 1 A.M. with no idea where he was & had to walk from 1-5 A.M. & no one would help him, thinking him to be a thief.

He had to sell his cell phone for practically nothing to get $ for transport home. In the meantime, they ruined $1500.00 worth of chicken food, but touched nothing else. Thank God, his 3 cows and 450 chickens were spared. But, the guy's Faith & courage have been harmed.

Please thank God for the cancellation of the Case & pray for Ssali Denis that his Faith will not be abandoned. We'll wait to see where to go from here after he has seen his Lawyer, for the same thing could happen again.

Tons of love & gratitude,

Fr. Gene, SJ

Written Sunday 9 March 2014