Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Baby Steps

The other day I was talking to one of my sisters and mentioned the concept of "baby steps" from the the classic Bill Murray movie, What About Bob? To my surprise, she didn't know what I was talking about (like so many others). That prompted me to search out the movie to refresh my memory. Because the library didn't have a copy, I visited several stores before I found a copy that I bought for $5 (new). No extras or commentary (too bad), just a trailer/preview.

"What About Bob?" DVD cover.

I watched it last night. It was as funny as I remembered it and it really picked up my spirits. "I feel good. I feel great. I feel wonderful." Baby steps forward.

Watch it!




Written Thursday 1 January 2015

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Buon Natale at K of C

I feel very fortunate to live within driving distance of the Knights of Columbus Museum. It's a very good museum and it's FREE including parking! You don't have to be Christian or Roman Catholic to enjoy high quality art (although some basic knowledge of Catholicism and Christianity can aid in the enjoyment of the exhibits).

Today (Feast of the Holy Family) I visited the 10th annual Christmas creche exhibit at the museum: "Buon Natale: Creches of Italy".  (Buon Natale is "Merry Christmas" in Italian). Since today was "Family Day" the place was packed. I think I got the last parking space. Got to see some of the staff I recognized from all past visits (Don says he's retiring to FL this Spring). They were serving apple cider, coffee, and Christmas cookies.

The exhibits also included the 14th annual Christmas Tree Festival. These are trees decorated by area Catholic elementary schools. Always interesting to see their creativity.

Land of the Giants: Constructing the diorama (view from the back)

Full size diorama (front side)

This year the creche exhibit was in the two main exhibit rooms on the main level. The sizes ranged from table top to life-size to a 120 square foot diorama. Many of the creches, including the large diorama were created by Bottega D’Arte Presepiale Cantone & Costabile from Naples, Italy. They were involved with the 2014 creche for the Vatican.

If you can't make it to the museum before the exhibit closes on February 1, I suggest checking out the links for the web pages (see above and below) as well as the museums's Facebook page to get a taste from the pictures and video clips and links to a couple newspaper reviews (with pictures). [I normally stay away from FBook (evil) but there are more pictures there and some lost souls more frequently habitate FBook than reality the internet.

Upstairs was another interesting exhibit, 50 Years and Counting: The Knights Tower & Carillon. This was a very tasteful pictorial history of the construction of the bell tower and carillon at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Unfortunately, the gallery at the museum's web page doesn't do justice to the exhibit. Fortunately, someone saved an old version of the National Shrine's web page about the tower and carillon which is easier to read than the current page and also has more historical pictures. I've been to the basilica and highly recommend visiting it if you enjoy church architecture.

So after a couple hours, I had seen all the major exhibits and quickly walked through the rest of the museum (and verified it was still there). What is ironic (and telling) is that many RCs that I have met in the area have either never taken the time to visit this place or have no idea it exists. What a treasure they are missing but I guess that goes without saying.



http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Family http://www.kofcmuseum.org

Written Sunday 28 December 2014

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Eff-ing Xmas!

My 2014 Christmas Tree.

In memory of Judy: "Merry Eff-ing Christmas! (and I mean that in a most warm and affectionate way). H&J: I remember the gigantic tree in your LR every year and how you very meticulously hung the ornaments and tinsel. Thank you for opening your home and family to me.

This year I am alone, abandoned by my (local) family. But if they think they can punish me with the silent treatment, they are mistaken. I have a lot of practice of being alone (even with people). They are the ones losing out. Life is fragile. Life is short. This petty behavior creates an incredible waste. It is so sad, tragic. The lesson of Judy has apparently been forgotten.

I had a pretty good Christmas, actually. I slept in, read the bible with a good cup of coffee ("Winter Blend" - a medium-bodied roast featuring hints of cinnamon,cloves, and other spices. Courtesy of my mom-Thanks!), enjoyed a long phone call from my mom and one of my sisters (CJ7), read a fabulous mind-boggling article about religion, went for a long walk (to shed some calories and enjoy the sun and fresh air), traded text messages with another sister (SMH2), ate a turkey dinner with a glass of chardonnay, and am now typing up this blog with some favorite Macca music in the background.

I am currently near the beginning of the Book of Hosea (i.e., one of the 12 "minor" prophets in the OT or the Hebrew Bible). So appropriate for our time and country.

"Your piety is like a morning cloud,
like the dew that early passes away.

For this reason I smote them through the prophets,
I slew them by the words of my mouth;

For it is love that I desire, not sacrifice,
and knowledge of God, rather than holocausts."    [6:4b-7 NAB]

Recently, I came across a fascinating website/blog that looks at the role of astrology/astronomy in the religious myths. The entry for Christmas had this to say: "Kuhn is... arguing that the story itself is like a weathervane. He calls it a "meaning-vane," which is an interesting construction that evokes a weathervane (and may be an original word-construction invented by Alvin Boyd Kuhn) but which is designed to point us to some deeper or higher meaning whereas a weathervane is designed to point us to knowledge of the approaching weather. To focus on the vane instead of the thing to which it is meant to direct us, Kuhn says, is to miss the entire purpose."   Wow. That hits at the core for me. There are many layers in life and it is thrilling to travel on the yellow brick road. Anyone who has studied literature realizes that the literal story is often a vehicle for a larger idea.

The post includes a link to a YouTube video that goes into detail about the Adam and Eve story and the Magi seeking the newborn king. It is only 15 minutes and I recommend it strongly (unless you are a strict literalist). Merry Christmas.

The weather today was not very "Christmasy" since it was partly sunny, dry, and warmish (mid-50sF). So I decided it would be good to get out and stretch my legs before having Christmas dinner. I ended up walking for two (2) hours and covering about five (5) miles. I know, that is not very fast, but I have always been something of a wanderer, a stop-and-smell-the roses-kind. Take a deep breath!

I took great relish in saying "Merry Christmas" to everyone during my walk. I knew that that was very un-PC. So rebellious am I.

I stopped and read all the historical markers I came across (and I was surprised to find so many). I discovered a brook with a waterfall that I didn't realize was there even though I had driven past it for years (sort of like a hidden meaning-see above).

I also enjoyed the various architectural styles (and disasters) of many of  the houses I passed. Some people have huge houses! Do they really need such big palaces?

Closed for the Season!
After a while, I decided to walk to the Judica Store to check if they were open. Turns out they are closed until January. However, Dunkin Donuts and Walgreens were open. So essential (NOT).

Near the end, I discovered a nursing home tucked behind some apartments. I also ended up spending quite a bit of time in one of the oldest cemeteries in town (according to the historical marker), the Old North Cemetery. I hunted for the monument honoring town members who died during the Civil War but who are not buried in this cemetery. There was an interesting poem at the end:

"On Fame's eternal camping ground
 their silent tents are spread.
And Glory guards with solemn round
the bivouac of the dead."

It saddens me to see many markers either worn smooth by time and/or knocked over. No one is left to care as the memory of their existence fades away.

As I came near the completion of my little walk, the sun was setting and clouds looked marvelous. What a day. Thank you.

Day is done.




Written Christmas December 25, 2014 (Thursday) with minor edits on F12/26/14.

Christmas Peace

This is for my sister (CJ7) who is interested in the story of the WWI Christmas_truce. This is the 100th anniversary of the event. This video is the promotional film for Paul McCartney's song, Pipes of Peace. The video is an interpretation of the famous WWI Christmas truce.

Addendum: The bookend video to the above is McCartney's Tug of War. It actually was released before "Pipes of Peace."

Tug of War is one of my favorite McCartney songs and I love the promo/video clip. I  love that it's Paul with Linda. I love the bits from Things to Come and the old B&W tug of war clips. The lyrics also appeal to me (although they are not excellently written). There is a spirit of melancholy that life turned out to be more pushing and pulling than expected but there is hope that sometime in the future things will be better.

And so, "Tug of War" and "Pipes of Peace" are great bookends of a hope for a better world.





Written Thursday December 25, 2014 (Christmas).
Updated Thursday January 1, 2015 (New Year) for "Tug of War."

Joy to the World!

The Fab Four: Joy to the World

This is what the day is all about - right?




Written: Thursday 1 January 2015 (New Year)

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Welcome Winter

Okay, so this morning was technically not winter. According to the almanac, Winter began this evening at 6:03 p.m. EST. Still, it was nice to wake up this morning to see gently falling snow. It didn't even cover the ground but it seemed like a pleasant way to begin winter. By afternoon, most of the snow had melted. There was a smidgen on my car, just enough to spend a few moments to brush it off.

The beginning of winter 2014-2015.



Written Sunday 12/21 2014 in the Winter!

Weekend at Bernie's


For a long while, I have been thinking about a funny movie I saw a long time ago: Weekend at Bernie's. It is a dark comedy about two young guys who get invited by their boss (Bernie) to his house in the Hamptons for the weekend. When they get there, they find him dead. One thing leads to another (and another...etc.) and they are forced into pretending Bernie is still alive. I remember some very hilarious scenes. I probably saw this via video tape or on cable in the early 1990s.

Weekend at Bernie's DVD cover.

The other day I finally came across a used copy of the DVD really cheap. And so "Bernie" came home with me. None of the libraries in the system had this movie/DVD for some reason.

Memory is a funny thing. I remember Bernie as being a hilarious movie. I guess a few decades has dulled the senses. Years later, I found the movie overall charming, (still) dark, biting (satire), and very funny in places but a bit too long and rather slow to start. Ironically, after Bernie dies, the movie really gets going.

Perhaps the humor didn't seem as sharp today because after 25 or so years of working, the satire overwhelmed the humor on the surface. I think you could make this movie today without doing much except to update some costumes and ditch the cigarette smoking. The fact that people couldn't see that Bernie was dead seems too real to me in today's world where most everyone is wrapped up in their own self. What was once confined to a few in the late 80s now appears commonplace. This aspect depresses me.

The original movie spawned several sequels-which I never saw (nor care to see).

I hope my library takes this movie for their collection. It's no worse than a lot of the contemporary crap they have.




Written: Thursday 1 January 2015

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Bethlehem 2014

Bethlehem, CT Post Office (Saturday 20 December 2014 at ~3 p.m.)

Once again I made my annual Christmas season jaunt to Bethlehem....(CT) to mail my Christmas cards. I was alone (no son, or mule (both stubborn), or pregnant woman). And I made it just in time (miraculously).

Besides the attraction of a Bethlehem postmark, there is the added advantage of getting green fingers from stamping each of my cards with one of the cachets they have. Each year they have a new one; this year's is #78.

2014 Cachet (#78)

I almost didn't make it on time. I had a hazy notion that they were open until 3 p.m. But as I was driving there, I started to wonder if they closed the counter at 3 or the lobby. You see, I needed to buy stamps. If they closed the counter before 3 then there would be a problem. But I was determined to work around whatever came my way. It has always worked out in the past, thanks to.....

The reason why I didn't have any stamps was that I had not been able to purchase the 2014 religious stamp, Christmas Magi. Last year the USPS had the "Virgin and child" which was in a long line of Madonna and child Christmas stamps. But this year, the USPS seemed to want to portray a more neutral image (i.e., non-Christ/Jesus). I wonder why?

I arrived just in time to buy stamps (no Magi though) and get through stamping this year's cachet on my envelopes. Whew!

One reason for my last minute rush (besides my hereditarian procrastination) was my dilemma about Christmas cards plus writing an annual "Review/Highlights" letter.

My criteria for Christmas cards is:
  • Good looking/Classy
  • Made in the USA (i.e., no "Made in China" cards for me)
  • Reasonably priced
  • Religious theme (there is a reason why it's called "Christmas")
  • No sappy Jesus text. I am not a literalist when it comes to that. I'm looking for something more universal.
  • The artwork should depict the entire Holy Family not just Mary and the baby (Jesus). Too often, especially today, St. Joseph is shunted away.
Alas, it was not to be this year. I could not find any card that met the above. In fact, I don't even know where there are any greeting card shops anymore. The ones that were near me are gone. Not too many people do cards anymore. So I was stuck with using what I had squirreled away. I nearly didn't make it. My stock is virtually depleted.

On the way home, I stopped for lunch at G's Burgers for lunch. This has also become part of my Christmas card tradition (since it is on the way). I had a single cheese burger with sweet potato fries and a soda (Dr. Pepper). I took my time since it was my first solid food of the day.

Mailing my Christmas cards from Bethlehem has become a long-time tradition for me that I hope continues for many more years. I'm glad that I have the opportunity to travel to Bethlehem each Christmas. It seems appropriate.



Written Sunday 21 December 2014

Saturday, December 13, 2014

A Christmas Wish

I received an actual, real paper Christmas card (see below) in today's mail from Fr. Hattie! See my Father Hattie page for more information on how you can contribute to help "his" orphans in Nsumba, Uganda.

Art: Albert Cozzi
"By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high
will break upon us...to guide our feet into the way of peace"
Luke 1:78-79 [NRSV] {Caption on inside cover of the card}

Inside card [calligraphy by David Mekelburg]:
My dear Rick:  Peace of Christ!
May the joy and peace of this holy season brighten
all the days of your New Year.
Fr, Gene, SJ

Enclosed with the card was a photograph with a caption on the back (see below).
Caption on the back of the photograph (see above)



Written Sunday 21 December 2014

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

His & Her Blessings

I received the letter shown below from Fr. Gene Hattie via email on Tuesday December 2, 2014. My sister, ML, asked me about the meaning of Father's trademark "His & Her" closing line. I always assumed he was trying to refer to God in an inclusive way. I was surprised to find out that.....

"Letter" from Fr. Gene Hattie sent/received Tuesday December 2, 2014.

See my Father Hattie page for more information on how to communicate with Father and how to donate to help his orphans in Nsumba, Uganda.

Below is my transcription of the letter. I have taken the liberty of colorizing the background to simulate the Aerogram letters he used to send when he was in Uganda. I also have "corrected" any typos or light keystrokes. Otherwise I have tried to remain faithful to the text/meaning of the original letter.

My dear Rick:      Peace of Christ!

     I might just begin by answering your question about the meaning of His & Her. By that I am referring to Our Lord and Our Lady. I stay away from the 'gender inclusiveness of God', for it engenders too much controversy.  And, I deal with too much controversy as it is.

    Secondly, I wish to thank you most sincerely for your latest lovely & generous Gift of $xXx.xx. Sister said that you thought that one of your Cheques never reached. I would suggest that, from now on, you send them (and maybe you do) to P.O. Box 88634, Indianapolis, IN 46208. That would seem to be safer. They had to move and maybe you sent the Cheque to the old number.

     When I left Africa, I was "abandoned', as it were, by about 100 donors, under the mistaken thought that I no longer had any connection with the orphans. How wrong they were! They don't know that I am the sole provider for the kids, and feeding, educating, clothing & medicating 1000 kids, as you well know, is NO joke. So, this year I am sending all of them a Christmas Card, a picture of some of the orphans and a Homily by the present Pope about our obligation to care for orphans & street kids. So, down on those chubby knees and beg the Lord for a BIG miracle! I'll keep you posted.

Nothing much happens around here, but I am up to my neck getting out 150 Christmas Cards, so there is very little time to Loaf.

     Please wish your wonderful Mom a holy & Merry Christmas and a Happy & meaningful New Year for me.

     Be sure that you have a super-special remembrance in my daily Mass & prayers & in those of the Sisters & kids. Because of your thoughtfulness, the kids' Christmas will be a much happier one. In the meantime, keep smiling & spreading His & Her love, peace and joy all over West Hartford & afar.

Tons of  gratitude & love,                                 

Fr. Gene, SJ                                       



Written Saturday 12/06/2014

Thursday, November 27, 2014


It was a calm, peaceful morning. I was in my living room leisurely doing my Bible study (Joel) and sipping on a cup of strong coffee. Ahhhh....

SUDDENLY there was a tremendous CLAP!! Wow. What was that? It sounded like someone had slammed a metal lid on a large industrial-sized trash container. Stupid people I thought, and went back to my reading. (It didn't occur to me that commercial trash containers now use plastic tops.)

Then came the sirens. First it was one, short and nearby. Then a growing cascade of others mourning increasingly louder as they approached. When they abruptly trailed off like someone choked them, I knew something was going on nearby.

Urgently, I pulled on some clothes and grabbed my camera, phone, keys and headed out. When I reached the front door, I encountered a street full of emergency vehicles: police cars, fire truck, ambulance, and a gray car missing its front end and pointing in the wrong direction.

The crash scene from the front door of my building.
A closer view from the walkway of my building.

I was relieved and rather surprised to see that the driver appeared to have survived, She seemed to be in pretty solid shape considering she had just driven her car  at (40 mph (at least) into a pole. The air bags and the seat belt kept her in the car. She was sitting up in the driver's seat, half out of the car. The police and fireman milled about rather casually I thought. The EMTs dived in and went to work. One policeman was taking pictures of the scene. I consciously tried not to get in the way and out of any pictures. Meanwhile, I tried to snap a few shots of my own.

The engineer in me began to evaluate the scene. The car obviously failed to maneuver the bend in the road. Tire tracks in the snow, about a foot or less from the street, led right to the utility pole. There were no skid marks. It appears that the passenger side of the car hit the pole dead on. The pole didn't yield but the front end of the car shattered all over our front yard.  The shock of hitting the pole caused the car to arc about 230 degrees so that it was almost facing the opposite direction. Thankfully, no other vehicles were involved.

The pole held but is severely cracked.
A gap of ~3 inches from the force of the impact.

Several people I chatted with later assumed that the driver must have been on the phone or texting (an unfortunate testament to the effective propaganda campaign against cell phones). Perhaps...but maybe not. The accident also could have been due to excessive speed which caused the driver to fail to navigate the curve. There are no warning signs that a sharp curve exists (see picture below). Another factor is that the road is a tight four lanes without much room for error. I hope the young lady will survive to remember this day and count her blessings every day from now on. Thanksgiving indeed.

A tight curve. The winning pole is at the left.

The day after the accident, the pole was "repaired" (see pictures below). I don't know if this is a "permanent" repair or merely "temporary" until the warmer season comes around again.

Repaired (12/07/2014)
Repaired-opposite side (12/07/2014)

The "fix" consists of a supporting board on the cracked side of the pole (see picture at left-above). The board is secured to the pole via four (4) bolts all the way through the pole; the damaged shields for the power cables and ground wires were patched with a green plastic sheet (see picture at right-above).

View approaching pole (12/07/2014)

This picture (above) gives a better perspective of what a driver sees at the start of the curve. With snow (as of the day of the accident), the edge of the road would not be as apparent as this picture indicates.

Written Th 27 November 2014
Updated Sun 7 December 2014 for pictures & text of repairs.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

A Kindergarten Kid

I received the letter shown below from Fr. Gene Hattie via email on Wednesday November 5, 2014 (Guy Fawkes Day).

Letter from Fr. Gene Hattie, sent/received W11/05/2014.
See my Father Hattie page for more information on how to communicate with Father and how to donate to help his orphans in Nsumba, Uganda.

Below is my transcription of his letter. I have taken the liberty of adding a bit of color in honor of the aerograms he used to send when he was in Uganda. I also have "corrected" any typos or keystrokes that are too light to see. Otherwise, I have tried to stay faithful to the text/meaning of the original letter.

My dear Rick:                     Peace of the risen Lord!

     Many, many thanks for your last 3 interesting E-Mails about the Transfiguration and the bombing of Hiroshima (Is the lord giving a message that we fail to hear). When you ask me to look up things on the Internet or use words like Google, Twitter or Tweet, you are speaking to a Kindergarten kid, for these are merely words without meaning for me, for I have no idea how to use a Computer. One of the Aides here takes my messages from the machine and scans my outgoing mail and retrieves Attachments & that's about IT, for I have no time to learn how to use a Computer at 92 and she has no time. For a time, she kept bugging me to learn & wouldn't accept the excuse that I was too old to learn UNTIL I had a brilliant idea..I showed her my Hindi New Testament (looks like Arabic..tho, to those who don't know Arabic, they seem to be the same, yet they are as different as day and night) and she let up on me.

     The Sister painter in Cleveland I never knew even though I had visit[ed] St. Paul's Convent many times.  When we had the yearly Mission Circle Carnival to raise funds for the Bishop of Patne Mission, they were always there...Keep up the good work of scanning on your Computer, for you can learn many wonderful things.

     At the end of October, a loyal donor/friend, whom I had never met, came here to visit me from California with his son-in-law and grandson. The grandson, only 18 & still in High School has been thrown out of many schools & is not in treatment, for addiction to liquor and drugs. Grandpa was convinced that meeting me & learning of my life would cure him. Great Faith! The son-in-law is not a Catholic, but is an avid Bible Reader, attends Sunday Mass & receives H. Communion under both species. Grandpa thought that a visit with me would bring him into the Church. Prayers for both, please.

     Finally, but far from least, thousands of thanks for your latest kind & generous Gift of $X, appreciated more than you know.

     Continue to be assured that you & your family have a super-special remembrance in my daily Mass & prayers & in those of the Sisters & orphans as I implore Him to fill all of you to the brim & flowing over with His & Her choicest gifts. Graces and blessings.  In the meantime, continue to smile & spread His & Her love, hope and joy all over W. Hartford.

Tons of love & gratitude,                                  

Fr. Gene, S.J.                                            


[1] August 6th is the anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Japan in 1945. In addition, August 6th is also the Feast of the Transfiguration. I found that to be a rather odd, ironic intersection: bright dazzling lights and clouds involved with each event. I wondered if there might be some connection or relationship.

Ephesians Chapter 2 (Hindi)
Ephesians Chapter 2 (Arabic)
Both pages are taken from the HOLY BIBLE: EASY-TO-READ VERSION™ © 2006 by World Bible Translation Center, Inc. See: http://www.bibleleague.org/resources/bible-download/

[3] See: "Heavenly murals: 81-year-old nun may be painting her greatest work ever (slideshow and video) published October 9, 2014 in the Cleveland Plain Dealer by James Ewinger with pictures by Lisa DeJong (see samples below).

(Photo by Lisa DeJong/PD)
(Photo by Lisa DeJong/PD)



Written: Sunday 9 November 2014